Shoe Declaration Form

Athletics Victoria will be enforcing the World Athletics Shoe Rule at our State Championships and National Permit meets.

All runners wearing non-compliant shoes may still be able to compete but will not be eligible for any State Championships or have their performances ratified for National Records or International Qualifiers. 

For a current list of compliant shoes, please download the latest list:

World Athletics Shoe Compliance List

Please complete a separate form for each of your shoes that you intend to wear during competition.

This form is conducted in accordance with our Data Collection Privacy Policy

Enter your email address*

Athlete Information

Shoe Declaration

Please provide Make and Model of the shoe

a) I will compete in the shoes outlined in this declaration.

b) I will follow the shoe check procedure at the event and understand that, even though the shoes are checked, they could be submitted for further random tests or full testing after I have finished competing;

c) Only shoes checked in accordance with Rule 5 of the Technical Rules and in accordance with the kit and shoe check procedure at the event can be worn. I understand that it is at my risk, if I change my shoes without having them checked;


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